Wednesday, June 25, 2008


You’ve heard it before: Regular exercise increases your energy and metabolism, improves strength and flexibility, decreases stress, brightens your mood and helps fight disease as you age. With all those fantastic benefits, why would you ever skip a workout?

Alas, fitting it in can be difficult as your life gets busier. What you need is a plan that makes out as much second nature as brushing your teeth.

Use these nine strategies to turn exercise into your favorite new habit.

1. Pick the right buddy
Exercising with a peer can make the difference between quitting or sticking with a fitness plan, but not just any old buddy will do. Find someone who’s fitter than you are, suggests John Jakicic, Ph.D., an associate professor of exercise science at Brown Medical School in Providence, Rhode Island, who supervises an ongoing exercise study called the Mentor Program. After starting 120 people on a walking plan, he split the group into “mentors” (those who excel at exercise and who were losing more weight) and “mentorees” (those who were lagging behind or weren’t seeing results). Jakicic found that not only do the the mentorees do better and stick to exercise when matched with advanced exercisers, but the mentors—who provide follow-up calls, companionship and advice—perform significantly better when paired with the mentorees.
2. Mix it up
“Motivation may ebb and flow over the course of a few months, so learn how to ride the waves,” says Scott. If you're occasionally uninspired or feel like you’ve hit a plateau, change your routine. Hire a personal trainer once a month to reorganize your program, try a martial arts class with your kids, or sign up for flamenco lessons. “You’ll be stronger and have more energy for all of your other activities, and it will keep you motivated to exercise,” says Scott. You can also spice things up simply by altering the intensity or duration of your workout or switching from weight machines to dumbbells. Research shows that your body adapts to an exercise after just two to three weeks. Think of this as your “grace period.” After that, you’ll stop seeing results unless you take action.
3. Get a daily dose
“To make exercise a ritual, avoid taking two consecutive days off,” urges Richard Cotton, chief exercise physiologist for First Fitness, a consulting company based in Salt Lake City. People who work out just once or twice a week are more likely to fall off the exercise wagon than those who do it three or more times a week, he explains. That’s because consistency affects adherence more do than how long you work out or what you do. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you exercise three to five days per week; if you can squeeze in only three, spread them out over the week to sustain your momentum.
4. Have a backup plan
Identify the scenarios that might derail your routine—vacations, holidays and work deadlines—and prepare an alternative workout strategy, says Andrea Dunn, Ph.D., associate director of the Cooper Institute of Aerobics Research in Dallas and coauthor of Active Living Every Day (Human Kinetics 2001). Make a list of these potential “barriers to fitness” on one side of a notebook and “solutions” on the other. Whenever you get sidetracked, you’ll know exactly what to do to overcome it. Above all, avoid berating yourself or adopting an all-or-nothing attitude. “You think, ‘I missed a workout today and I'm going away for the weekend, so I may as well give up and start fresh on Monday,’” says Dunn. “Instead of feeling guilty or frustrated, accept that you missed a few session and simply do better tomorrow.
5. Aim high–but not too high
Whether you want to increase your aerobic endurance or do 25 regulation-style push-ups, having something to work toward is a surefire way to keep you going. You’re more likely to stick to your goals, though, if you perceive them as short-term, specific and realistic, like “I will walk 20 minutes every day” (versus “I will exercise more”), says Brian Sharkey, Ph.D., former president of the American College of Sports Medicine and author of Fitness and Health, 5th Edition (Human Kinetics 2002). When you find yourself meeting goals with ease, set more challenging ones and revisit them every four to six weeks.
6. Chart your progress
Keeping written track of your fitness routine and your progress is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and stick with exercise, says Dunn. Research found that people who kept diet and/or workout logs lost weight while those who didn’t gained weight. Furthermore, those who kept detailed diaries lost twice as much weight as those who kept briefer logs. Be sure to record the type of activity, duration, intensity, distance, calories burned and location as well as your attitude (were you grumpy, high-energy, stressed, happy), how you slept the night before and any diet “blips”—“gorged on chocolate in the afternoon” or “skipped breakfast.” A pedometer, heart-rate monitor or stopwatch can provide the details you need to keep a complete diary and give you immediate gratification as well, says Los Angeles–based Reebok master trainer Jeffrey Scott. Knowing how far and how fast you run or walk, how many calories you burn and how intensely you’re working is an excellent motivator, especially if you compare it to your past performance.
7. Do “mini” workouts
If you’re strapped for time, keep your mind and body in the exercise groove by squeezing in just 10 to 15 minutes of activity. Do three such blocks a day and you up your chances of dropping unwanted pounds. Studies have found that people who participate in short bouts of exercise throughout the day accumulate more workout time per week than those who do a traditional 30- or 45-minute program, says Jakicic. “If you can’t walk for an hour, get out there for as long as you can, even if it’s just 15 minutes,”
8. Schedule exercise appointments
Leave sticky notes on your computer or set an alarm to go off at your regular workout hour each day. “A habit starts when you do the same thing at the same time almost every day—no excuses,” says Cotton. Once you’ve established a pattern, make that treadmill session as important as a meeting with the higher-ups. “The critical moment comes when you have a pile of papers waiting and deadlines looming but that alarm goes off and you head out the door,” he says. Research at First Fitness has shown that morning exercisers may be slightly more successful than afternoon or evening participants because they’re finished with exercise before distractions and fatigue hit. “But stick to the time that works best for you,”
9. Reward yoursel
fResearch from the Cooper Institute shows that people who reward themselves are two to three times more likely to meet the ACSM’s physical activity guidelines than people who don’t treat themselves. “One woman in our Project Active study decided that she’d take herself on a walking vacation in Ireland if she kept at it for a year—and she did,” Dunn explains. Another participant bought herself new walking shoes after the first two months and new workout clothes at the end of six months. The reward structure can be as simple as allowing yourself to watch Friends only after you do 100 crunches. “Just decide what’s important to you and link it to regular exercise,” says Dunn.


It’s the dream of every blogger to get a lot of traffic, but something first time bloggers often don’t realize is that just publishing a few posts will not get them regular readers. I am no expert in getting traffic, but I have been working on a few things which has increased my traffic a lot.
When I first started this blog I used to get only about 10-20 visitors a day. After the first few months, I started getting traffic from Google and other search engines and my unique visitors increased to about 100 a day. Now for the past few weeks I have been getting about 550 visitors a day.
The sudden increase in traffic I had from about 100-500 visitors was mainly because my recent posts were linked back from many sites. So yes, linking can get you traffic depending on which sites link to you. Links can be thought of as the currency of blogs.
I received a lot of emails (even while writing this) from bloggers asking how they can get more traffic, I hope this helps…

Blog Design
A good design won’t bring you traffic but it will get your visitors to stay longer. No one will stay on your blog too long if the layout or navigation annoys them. So the first thing to do is to select a good theme for your blog and then design your own header. The goal is to have a unique blog that stands out from all other blogs (making your visitors want to come back again and again).
Often bloggers select a theme and forget about the design. The problem here is that your blog will look similar to hundreds of blogs that use the same theme.
Your design should allow your visitors to access the main pages of your blog and to contact you easily. Your blog should have an about page and an author photo. The more a reader knows about you, the more they trust your content. You can find more info on this on my recent post - Common Weblogging Mistakes.

Quality Content
Your blog should have good content inorder to keep your visitors coming back. By good content I mean well written posts that are unique and useful at the same time. Writing original content is definitely the key.
Do not copy-paste contents directly from other blogs to your blog. Re-blogging is a bad thing and will kill your traffic. The solution here is to write that content in your own words adding your own unique ideas to it. And don’t forget to link to the original post.
The more engaged you are with your content, the more interesting it will be.

Get Links
The more links you have the more traffic you get. Like I said before links are the currency of blogs. So how do you go about getting links to your blog?
Well written posts are often linked back by many sites. You are lucky if you get linked by heavily trafficked sites.
Another way is to get links from other bloggers. Link to their blogs and ask them politely to do the same for you. Also visit the ‘links’ section of a blog (if they have one) and check for a link exchange form. If there is, submit your blog after linking to theirs.
You may also take part in other link exchanging programs.

Join Conversations
Most of my first visitors came to my blog because I left a comment on theirs. When you comment on a blog leave your blog address. Often people like to know who is reading their blog and will come visiting you.Readers of that blog will also pay a visit to your blog.But do not comment just for the sake of it. Make genuine comments that relate with the post. In the process you will not only get visitors to your blog but might also make friends.

Take part in Blog Top Sites
Submitting your blog to Blog Top Sites like, and is another way to get more traffic. These networks make your blog easier to find and search for as well. After you sign up for an account on their website, you just need to copy a bit of code and paste it somewhere on your blog.
You can also take part in blog traffic exchange communities like BlogExplosion and BlogClicker.
To join these blog traffic exchange communities - visit the site, sign up, confirm your account, add your blog to the member directory and then start visiting other member’s blogs.
Basically, you need to earn ‘credits’ in order to get blog traffic exposure. These credits are often gained by visiting other member’s blogs. When you have enough credits, your blog becomes eligible for promotion. Usually, a link or graphic to your blog will be shown on the main site or in fellow member’s blogs. This is how other people find your blog.
Of course, the more members there are in the community, the more potential visitors. So, if you are part of a blog traffic community, it’s good to promote the communities you belong to as well. Besides, when you promote the community through a referral system, you get more credits too.

Tag Technorati
Technorati is one of the best traffic providers for bloggers. People find your blogs easily when people search by technorati tags. Technorati will rank your blog based on the number of links from other websites.The higher your rank the easier your blog is to find when people search for things.
If you do not have a Technorati account, signup here. After you have setup the main settings, such as your profile, you need to claim your blog.
Make good use of Technorati tags by tagging every keyword in each of your posts. If you use WordPress, I recommend Ultimate Tag Warrior (UTW) which makes tagging Technorati a lot easier.
By tagging your post effectively you will get a lot of quality traffic to your blog.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Tips to look slim

There are times when you take a break from your sensible-eating and exercise regime and want to just lie back and enjoy all those forbidden foods. Well then you are bound to put on weight but until you have worked towards reducing the excess weight you can follow these few tips to look slim.

Stand comfortably erect and stick your stomach in. Good posture always makes youlook slimmer.

Dark colours such as olive, black, charcoal grey, and navy help make areas appear smaller so wear them where you think you need it. For most women it's from the waist down.

Avoid shiny or heavily textured fabrics. Shiny fabrics reflect light, making any area appear larger. Heavily texture fabrics only add extra weight.

Sewn-down pleats in skirts and blouses can both create a slimming effect. Include vertical lines in your accessories, such as long chains worn around the neck. Avoid extensive use of horizontal lines - belts, boat-collar blouses and borderprint skirts. These styles can add extra width to your body frame.

Your best asset is your face; so draw attention to it with scarves and jewellery worn around the face.

Introduce simple lines, such as A-line skirts, tailor-notched, collared blouses and blazers.

The oversized blazer is a great solution for camouflaging large derrieres and hips. Double-pleated skirts and trousers mask protruding stomachs and provide comfort as well.

If you want to appear thinner incorporate dark, cool and dull colours and textures. Dull textures absorb the light like wool or cotton. Some very slimming colours include black, navy, olive, violet, charcoal grey, chocolate brown,plum, eggplant and burgundy.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


A fascinating survey has revealed that most of the young women think about shopping nearly as often as men think about sex.

A survey involving 778 women aged 19 to 45 showed that 74% of them think about shopping every minute.

Previous studies have claimed to support the widely held belief that young men think about sex every 52 seconds, while the subject crosses some women's minds only once a day.

Assuming eight hours of sleep a night means shopping trips consume womens thoughts an astonishing 960 times a day and 6720 times a week.

In the latest survey by a fashion magazine in Britain, two out of five women described themselves as shoe and bag "addicts", while the thoughts of more than one in ten focused on accessories or make up.

On average, those surveyed spent at least 30% of their annual income on clothes. Almost 50% respondents said that they did not wear everything in their warddrobe. Even the threat if a credit crunch will not stand in the way of a shopping spree, with 62% saying they will put the damage on their credit card.

Nearly a quarter said they would think nothing of spending $200 or more on an item they particulary wanted.

"People think about thing which bring them pleasurable feelings. The pleasure is usually in the anticipating abd planning,"psychologist of Glamorgan was quoted a saying by the Mail online of Britain. "But so may women displaying this level of preoccupation, thinking about something once a minute, would indicate widespread addictive behaviour," she stressed.

Perhaps the most troubling aspect of the poll for men was that half of women surveyed said they preferred shopping to spending time with their partner, and nearly s may acknowledged that they kept their shopping escapades secret from their partner to hide their level of spending.

Friday, June 6, 2008



Florida woman enters the record books withe ber 36mm bust, which gets "funny reactions in public".
Who says porn stars lack ambition ? Maxi Mounds has made a huge name for herself - by having the largest berast implants in the world.

Her 36mm bust each weighing 9 kg finally made it into the record books years after she learned there was a category for natural brasts.

"I contacted Guinness World Records and asked if they had a category for implants, but they said no, so I let it go," she said. "Then they asked me if I was interested, as they were creating a category. Eventually they told me I won."

Mounds, not her real name became a lap dancer in Florida in the 1990s. It was then the one-time ballet dancer and horse rider decided to enhance her figure.

"I had the old style sillicone implants," she said. "But then came all the scare stories, so I had them replaced with overfilled saline." But her chest began to sag. She then tubes put in her armpits, so she could be topped up.

In 2000, she had her implants removed and the pockets filled wotj plastic strings, a procedure, which has been banned. A solution ws injected to make the breasts produce fluid and inflate, but they kept on growing.

She doesn't have a boyfriend now. She said,"It takes a special type of person to be with someone who looks like me because of the reactions I get from people whenever I am out in public.

" I have seen some funny things happen. Men walking into things and getting slapped by their girlfriends because they were staring so hard."


Office can be quite painful sometimes, especially if you are in the wrong place. Here is a list of things that we know you would want to say at work and get away with. But unfortunately guys, freedom of speech is only in the constitution.

  • I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't care.
  • I see you have se aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
  • It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word.
  • You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.
  • I am already visualising the duet tape over your mouth.
  • The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you are an astist.
  • Someday we will look back on this, laugh nervously and change the subject.
  • I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
  • I don't know what your problem is, but I will bet its hard to pronounce.
  • Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
  • I like you. You remind me of me when I was young and stupid.
  • What am I ? Flypaper for geeks ?
  • I am not being rude. You are just significant.
  • I can see your point, but I still think you are full of it.
  • Thank you. We are all refreshed and challanged by your unique point of view.
  • It is a thankless job, but I have got Karma to burn off.
  • No, my powers can be used only for good.
  • I am really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me.
  • Who me? I just wander from room to room.
  • Hou about never ? Is never good for you ?